Chuyện giáo dục - Tập 0: Giới thiệu
Mình đã không cập nhật bài viết trong một khoảng thời gian khá lâu, chủ yếu vì vẫn còn nhiều băn khoăn về định hướng tương lai cho blog...
Hi there! Come here, read something, and relax
The worst advice I have ever learned is "Follow your dream". Inasmuch as life continues, a dream is never easy to pursue. What I want to advise is "Follow your struggles". Because where struggles exist, I will have a dream to surpass them. This world is immense, so come here, to learn and to love it.
Should you have any inquiries that have yet to be answered through direct messages on the website, write it here with your email and send me. I really appreciate it.